Rehabilitation Services (PT/OT/SLP)

Rehabilitation Services (PT/OT/SLP)
Improving movement and function, and relieving pain, as well as treating a broad range of speech and language-related disorders.Rehabilitation Services
Physical Therapy (PT)
Occupational Therapy (OT)
Speech & Language Pathology (SLP)
(Services for each location are below)
Services provided at Androscoggin Valley Hospital and NCH Patient Care Center:
Recovering from an injury, illness or surgery can be challenging. The Androscoggin Valley Hospital Rehabilitation Services team can help! Our expert therapists will design a program to get you back to optimal functioning as soon as possible, using a wide variety of therapies and equipment. With two convenient locations:
- AVH Rehabilitation Services at Androscoggin Valley Hospital, 59 Page Hill Road, Berlin
- NCH Patient Care Center at 167 Main Street, Gorham
Inpatient and Outpatient Programs:
Physical Therapy
Using evidenced based practice, our physical therapists help patients achieve maximum levels of physical mobility, strength, endurance, balance and coordination. Manual techniques, exercise, stretching, weights and electrotherapy equipment such as TENS may be used. Physical Therapists also work on relieving pain, allowing patients to move easier.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists offer unique and individual support and services to people of all ages and in all circumstances of life. Sometimes people need occupational therapy to do things that others take for granted, like getting dressed, being productive at school, performing work tasks, or eating unassisted. OTs help people of all ages participate in the activities that are meaningful to them through the therapeutic use of everyday activities and utilize a holistic and customized approach to evaluations, interventions and outcomes. Client centeredness, enabling occupation and empowerment are only a few of the keywords every occupational therapist bears at heart.
Speech Therapy
Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, diagnose and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults. Some of the populations that SLPs work with include patients with stroke, Parkinson’s, dementia, traumatic brain injury, stuttering, swallowing difficulty, memory loss, and head/neck cancer.
Specialized Services:
Aquatic Therapy
Working in water dramatically reduces stress on joints, bones and muscles; minimizes swelling of an injured limb; and provides a safer environment in which to address balance difficulties. Aquatic therapy is a valuable form of treatment for people with arthritis, fibromyalgia, back problems and those recovering from injury or surgery, such as total hip or knee replacements or ACL repairs.
Aquatic therapy is provided by AVH therapists at the NCH Patient Care Center in Gorham. Please note that it is not necessary to be able to swim in order to have aquatic/pool therapy.
Ergonomics: Preventing Workplace Injury
The AVH Rehabilitation Ergonomics Team can help you ensure that everyone feels comfortable and safe in the work environment. We help fit the workplace to the people who do the work, making it an easier, more productive experience. The members of our ergonomics team begin by assessing the work environment and consulting with employees, then apply their experience in physical and occupational therapy to deal with functional positioning and adaptive solutions.
Any patient requiring physical, occupational or speech therapy can receive rehabilitation with a doctor’s order. Along with other members of the multi-disciplinary team, our therapists provide treatment to help patients regain their functional mobility and independence and return to their previous lifestyle. Staff is part of the discharge planning process to make life safer and easier when returning home.
AVH provides physical therapy services to the Gorham, Milan and Errol schools (SAU 20) and to Berlin schools (SAU 3).  School based physical therapy aims at helping students access their education and may include improving gross motor skills such as walking, running and jumping. Students who receive school based PT must be found eligible for this service and is typically part of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan.
Functional Capacity Evaluation
Functional capacity evaluations (FCEs) are used to determine the client’s level of work ability as defined by the Department of Labor Standards and the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Performed using the OccuPro System of Work Evaluation, each FCE is customized for the client by the therapist, based on the diagnosis. A baseline FCE addresses the full range of physical tolerances. A job-specific FCE addresses physical tolerances in comparison to the task demands of the target job. Appropriate return-to-work recommendations are made. This evaluation is thorough, detailed and executed by a certified therapist. It takes approximately three to four hours to perform.
Services provided at Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital:
Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital has a highly skilled and experienced rehabilitative team that provides comprehensive, compassionate, and restorative care. With the purpose to promote, restore, and maintain optimal human function across the life span.
Physical Therapy: Physical Therapy at UCVH aims to assist patients to gain functional mobility through strength, endurance, and balance training, stretching, management of pain and manual therapy. This is provided in a warm welcoming environment in a caring and compassionate way.
Occupational Therapy: Occupational Therapy at UCVH aims in restoring and improving a patient’s strength and, at times, adapting the environment in order to maximize independence with all daily activities. We aspire to a client-centered approach enhancing wellness through functional daily occupations.
Speech Therapy: Speech and language pathologists (SLP) aim to assess, diagnose, and treat language, voice, cognition, and/or swallowing difficulties in order to improve quality of life. Collaboration, education and training with other professionals so that the patient is an integral part of speech and language intervention in providing the best services possible.
Specialty Services:
- Cardiac rehab
- Lymphedema Management
- Certified Hand Therapist
- Aqua therapy
- Dry Needling
- Manual Therapy Techniques
Services provided at Weeks Medical Center:
Whether recovering from surgery or an injury, the highly respected therapists of the Weeks Medical Center Rehabilitation Department focus on regaining independence and promoting well-being. The physical therapists at Weeks assess and treat musculoskeletal and neurological disorders with the primary goal of improving movement and function, expanding movement potential, and relieving pain. Weeks also offers lymphedema treatment to patients.
Treatment for speech-related concerns for children and adults
The Speech Therapy staff at Weeks Medical Center treat a broad range of speech- and language-related disorders. Weeks provides services for children and adults on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Speech-language pathologists diagnose and treat individuals with issues relating to:
- Swallowing
- Language
- Speech
- Organic and functional voice disorders
- Head injury
- Degenerative neuromuscular disease
- Brain tumor
- Developmental delay
For an appointment in Berlin, please call (603) 326-5738.
For an appointment in Gorham, please call (603) 342-5060.
For an appointment in Colebrook, please call (603) 388-4206.
For an appointment in Lancaster, please call (603) 788-5009.